Sunday, April 14, 2013

Figure with facepaint

This is my most recent classwork. We were trying for several new techniques: using thick vs thin paint, leaving some areas incomplete to de-emphasize their importance, and drawing with the brush. Although I did not come close to finishing what I was doing, I am happy with certain parts. I feel that I did capture the pose. The shirt and the raised knee seem right even though they are under-worked. I like being able to draw with the brush. That is much more natural for me.
I also was getting the face mapped out pretty well. The heavy facepaint and the crazy spiked hair was the challenge, of course. I needed to fix the white stripe to get the shape of the nose, but I like his eyes and mouth. And this is the expression he had on his face. I would have like to develop that more.

My next class will be figure drawing. That will help a lot with this type of painting. I am really looking forward to it!!

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