Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Still life painting

I am going back to doing some still life subjects. It's a bit discouraging. It takes me ages to set up a still life that I think I will like. Then I start painting and realize I don't like the set up at all.

I did manage to put some oranges in a bowl and paint them for the "garden" show at a local gallery. I would have given up on that one without the help of Margot and my fellow painters in her workshop. With their feedback I realized I had come much closer to creating a good painting with just my initial work. I needed to fix the background and then it all came together.

Now I am painting some backyard flowers. Ugh. Again, I think the problem is the background. I hung a yellowish cloth behind the flowers, but the yellow and the green of the leaves combines to look sickly. I'll probably scrape it and start over.

I know that I'm putting a lot of pressure on myself to create quality, completed paintings with every canvas I start. Sometimes I am at a loss for what to paint next. Right now I am confused by which started painting I should try to finish!


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