Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Three Pears

Back to basics! The weather has continued to be cloudy and gray, even when the rain stops. So I stayed inside and went back to fruit. I need to learn to be more objective about my work. When I finished these, I was pretty unimpressed. I felt like I was going backwards. Now that I look at them again, and compare to the work I have done before, I can see some progress. I definitely remembered to keep asking the questions our teacher taught us - darkest darks, relative values, warm/cool - so that I could make the decisions necessary to keep moving forward.

Painting fruit makes me remember my commitment to complete my first two hundred paintings!! I think I have about 160 to go!! I hope persistence is more valuable than innate talent.


  1. Great work, Rosina! I think these pears are wonderful.

    You are a really good painter, keep going! You're thoughtful and smart, but most importantly, you actually paint. You learn to paint by painting. Especially when you understand relationships, which you do.

    I saw the best quote the other day by Van Gogh. "If you hear a voice within you say 'you cannot paint,' then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced." Isn't that true?

    Hope to see you soon.

  2. Thank you, Anne! You gave me a great start with oil painting. I am lucky that I found my way to your class!
