Tuesday, May 28, 2013


I am supposed to be painting blocks of color using a palette knife. I find it so boring and uninspiring!
Sooo, I went outside and painted our hollyhocks instead, using my brushes on a canvas board instead of the gessoed masonite we use in class.

My family and I have been watching these flowers slowly grow from a a mass of huge undefined leaves. We joked about the Little House of Horrors flower while we waited to see what these flowers would finally look like. They finally began to open and now are in full bloom.

The challenge in painting them was first, to simplify the composition enough to make the flowers stand out. They are against our fence with the oaks and sycamore behind them. The second thing was to somehow make all that green on green look both different and interesting. I am happy with the way they came out.

It was especially fun just to do what I wanted and be free of the requirements of my art class.

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