Friday, February 28, 2014


I showed my plein aire paintings to Margot. She used to work outside, but now paints in the studio only. She really didn't like them. She was critical of the choice of the bridge - it looks like a sewer - and the strong hook shape of the composition. She told me to push the color when working outside. Hmmm. I really enjoyed working outside. I guess I wasn't so concerned about the final product as I was about the process of getting set up and painting. I liked working with the other painters. I got good feedback at the onsite critique for the Deukmejian trail.

I should demand more of myself. Even though each plein aire experience is an exercise, I guess I need to try harder to construct a complete painting.

Matt Smith said a good painting is a good painting, whether it was done en plein aire or in the studio. We should not set a separate standard for ourselves depending on when/how we painted. Matt also said we need to find the balance between working outside and working in the studio. Each experience should strengthen the other.

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