Saturday, March 30, 2013

Argh! I didn't paint today. But I did do a lot of thinking about my painting, and researching what other direct painters are doing. I am so impressed with the artists who can really keep up with the "one painting a day" discipline. And I am in love with the way a simple composition of fruit or a few carefully chosen objects can convey so much.

My challenge: I tried to paint three white objects. Okay, white is the scary non-color that has to be addressed so I figured I would jump in and try it. What a mess. Waste of paint. In a moment of what-the-heck, I also did my white-on-white using a palette knife. In our last class we used a palette knife which I remember as being impossible from the time I first tried it in high school art class.  My daughter thought I had painted rolls of toilet paper@! Yup. that's what it is. I'm going to use that canvas as my palette, and just lift the paint off to create another painting.

I will not give up!! Values. I just need to be more attentive to the values. I went to Home Goods and actually bought  a couple of white pieces (cheap) with better shapes. Not so much like toilet paper rolls. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I'm going to try again, but with a paint brush not the palette knife.

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