Friday, September 20, 2013

Sunny at 3Kicks Art Studio

Our term has ended at 3Kicks Studio. I wanted to sign up for the next term, but I would miss too many classes to make it worth it. Sunny has  helped me a lot. I felt so awkward and unsure of myself at the first class. I didn't know how to lay out my palette or to begin to design my painting. In the ten weeks of the class, I have definitely gained confidence as well as skill. 

I painted these flowers on the last day, getting the painting this far in one session. Actually, the vase had a pretty lopsided arrangement in it, with the flowers in a circle poking toward the outside. I added the large flower in the middle when I got home. It was just greenery and stems in life. This is a 9x12 canvas. I think the apple is the star of the show. Like many students,  I have probably painted more apples than any other subject! Doing this still life made me realize I need to paint more flowers, and fabric folds too!

Sunny helped us by commenting as we worked. He also would show students techniques by painting on their canvas, with permission of course. It really helped to see exactly how to do something. I look forward to signing up with him again in January. I love it that we can do both still life and portraits in his class.

 Sunny can make sense of anyone's painting! He goes from one canvas to the next, looking, evaluating, and moving the piece forward somehow.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Portrait of a Pensive Girl

I am really enjoying my Sunday morning classes with Sonny Apinchapong. I can tell that I am growing and learning. He believes that still life studies are the key to good portraits and landscapes. I love being able to go straight to the portrait with a live model. I learned a lot from doing this portrait. It looks a bit boring as a piece of art, but I have to recognize that this is my time to learn, not constantly evaluate. Despite its flaws, Sonny pronounced it "a good likeness".